#FemInEM South Africa Calling: The African Federation of Emergency Medicine President Dr. Heike Geduld

We continue the @AfCEM2018 series from Kigali, Rwanda. FemInEM podcast host @ultrasoundREL speaks with Dr. Heike Geduld.  Heike graduated in the first class of Emergency medicine trainees from the Cape Town, South Africa program.  She is a self described EM physician, #MedED nerd, and Pearl Jam fan (2 concerts this year).  Heike is the 2nd ever President of the African Federation for Emergency Medicine and College of Emergency Medicine of South Africa.  She is the first woman president.  She joins us to discuss emergency care across Africa, race, and the sustainability of AfCEM.

Follow Heike @HeikeGeduld and @InfoAfem @AfCEM2018

Read more on AFEM HERE