TIME’S UP Healthcare

Resa @ultrasoundREL  Dara @darakass and Esther @choo_ek  discuss TIME’S UP Healthcare (timesuphealthcare.org) a non-profit organization that is partnering with @TIMESUPNOW (timesupnow.comand the TIME’S UP Legal Defense Fund @TIMESUPLDF and preview what to expect at the Friday 01 March 2019 launch.


  1. We are committed to preventing sexual harassment and gender inequity and protecting and aiding those who are targets of harassment and discrimination;
  2. We believe every employee should have equitable opportunity, support, and compensation.
  3. We cannot address a problem without understanding its scope and impact. We will measure and track sexual harassment and gender-based inequities occurring in our institution.

Instagram: @TIMESUPHC  Twitter: @TIMESUPHC Facebook: @TIMESUPHC