NoWEM founders Ellen, Helen, Rhi, and friends discuss #Networking in FemInEMJellyBean Podcast Episode 5

NoWEM was founded as a community of Emergency Physicians in Australasia committed to promoting equality, diversity and respect in the profession. Ellen @NoWEMEllen Helen @NoWEMHelen and Rhi @NowemRhi founded the organization with like-minded souls

Women represent just over 1/3 of Emergency Physicians in Australasia, yet they are sorely underrepresented in leadership positions. In 2018, only 16% of Australasian Emergency Departments had a female director, there were no women on the ACEM Board of Directors, and there has been only one female president in the College’s 35-year history. Research confirms that sexual harassment, discrimination and inequality are commonplace, and these issues are adversely impacting our profession, our wellbeing and the quality of our patient care*. The situation is even more stark for women of colour and those identifying as LGBT+.

@darakass and @andrewjtagg of @DFTBubbles join Resa and Doug for a final @smaccteam in Sydney podcast episode.