Professional Development Episode: The Office of Professionalism + Seeking Support : An Interview with Jo Shapiro MD

Resa speaks with Jo Shapiro MD. They discuss health organization peer support resources and how to distinguish what is provided by a Title IX office, an Ombudsman office, and an Office of Professionalism.

In 2008, Jo founded the Center for Professionalism and Peer Support at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.  She is an associate professor of Otolaryngology at Harvard Medical School.

The center has become a model for institutions that are seeking methods to enhance teamwork and respect and are looking to help mitigate the epidemic of burnout that is plaguing the medical profession. Jo works with health care institutions nationally and internationally to offer leadership and guidance in building professionalism and peer support programs. She previously led the Division of Otolaryngology at BWH and maintains a surgical practice specializing in oropharyngeal swallowing disorders. She is a core faculty member of the Managing Workplace Conflict: Improving Leadership and Personal Effectiveness course of Physician Health Services, Inc.


Leading Organizations to Health