2018 Summer Series: Patient advocate Dr. Jen Brokaw

We launched a FemInEM Summer Series: My Chapter in Emergency Medicine.  This summer we are inviting and speaking with FemInEM leaders for whom Emergency Medicine played a role in their training.  Some practiced and some never did.  No matter, we dig deep and explore the role Emergency Medicine played in being the career accomplished women they are today.  Dr. Jen Brokaw practiced Emergency Medicine for 14 years.  Through a series of experiences, she decided to grow and develop a consultation business surrounding patient advocacy.  See her website https://jenniferbrokaw.com.

For more information, please see:


Crucial Conversations

Difficult Conversations,

Mastering Conversations with Seriously Ill Patients


Better off Dead podcast by Andrew Denton


Harvard Medical School Center for Palliative care 

Cleveland Clinic

 Vital Talk