TIME’S UP Healthcare Launch

TIME’S UP Healthcare www.timesuphealthcare.org founder members @jbeckesmay and @ultrasoundREL discuss the highlights of the Friday 01 March 2019 launch. TIME’S UP Healthcare’s organizational principles: 1) sexual harassment and gender inequity …

TIME’S UP Healthcare

Resa @ultrasoundREL  Dara @darakass and Esther @choo_ek  discuss TIME’S UP Healthcare (timesuphealthcare.org) a non-profit organization that is partnering with @TIMESUPNOW (timesupnow.com) and the TIME’S UP Legal Defense Fund @TIMESUPLDF and preview …


Through truly compelling storytelling, Dr. Aisha Liferidge shares the experiences that gave her the courage, consciousness and curiosity needed to trailblaze. Watch the video version of her talk here.